Scaling the fence of limitation

Good day reader(s) and welcome to our blog. In today's post, we would be examining “Limitations.”  So many people in life have come to have that word, “limitation” as everyday slogan. The Merriam’s Webster’s Dictionary
defines limitation variously as “an act or instance of limiting[*] or “something that limits.[†] In other words, when you here someone speaks of limitation(s) what readily comes to mind is some form of restraint.

Sitting in my first philosophy introductory class on metaphysics I listened with rapt attention as the professor led us through. He described metaphysics as “a state of throwness”, akin to an individual – or even a brute – with little or no experience in swimming being thrown into a river. He or it, faced with the option of drowning or surviving, is left with the option of either giving up or thrashing about any how until there is some stability and he or it successfully swim ashore as it were – Have you ever seen a lizard in water? It appears to run instinctively, an act that equals swimming, although some may want to bring in the “which came first, chicken or egg?” argument on this one. Because we – and all land dwelling creatures – are not designed to survive like sea creatures we become limited when we find ourselves in one.

The above illustration applies to life too. Life is like a mighty river into which we have all come to be thrown into. Some have decided to let go of the will to survive or make it in life; others are still thrashing around in life’s tidal waves while others have discovered how to attain – or have attained – stability as it were. Thus, the above clarifies the fact that limitations, like challenges, are not natures design to keep you down under, but that they are meant to be surmounted as it were. In the next section of our discussion in this article, we shall look at what you need to defeat whatever limitation that has hitherto shackled you, preventing you from moving to the next level.

Can limitations be defeated?
Many have come to accept limitations they experience in life as one formidable force that cannot be contended with let alone be beaten. But, as an African, I have been exposed to many adages about life. In Igbo it is said that “onye kwe, chi ya ekwe,” which means “when an individual agrees, his god agrees.” In other words, anything is possible if and only if you agree it is. Such should be our outlook to life if we ever want to leave our present locations. Having said the above, the question of whether limitation is beatable is clear. Yes! Limitations can be surmounted. How, you ask?  It is by renewing your mind. Just fasten your seat belt as we take a trip to explore how.

Life’s battle field has always been the mind
Human mind has defied the understanding of man himself for ages. But one thing is certain; it has been identified as the birth place of countless realities, inventions for instance. The mind is where battles are started, fought and won too. The mind is responsible for perception, recollection, consideration, evaluation, and decision making – I believe that suffices for our discussion as any discussion with regard to what the mind is beyond the scope of this article; and you may do well to read up books on Philosophy of Mind.[‡]

Like challenges, limitations abound; but, as we said when we translated the earlier adage above, attitude is important. In other words, your disposition mind wise to all forms of perceived limitations is what determines whether you surmount it or remain stagnated. Open your mind to what you might discover in the course of our discussion.

Mental revolution and translation of the same into action as key for victory over limitations
In this section we shall be looking at how and what to do to overcome every form of limitation no matter how or in what shades of colour they come in. Realities depend on realities to be manifest – realities being “Being” or “all there is”. Hence, before you, as a force of nature, can rise above any “limits” you must apply principles that will set in motion the natural process of making such state-of-affairs possible or manifest. Now, tighten up your seat belt as we cruise through – getting to explore the principles which when applied will give you victories over limitation in life.

#1        Choice precedes Change
In nature, it is true that change is inevitable as long as underlying laws remain constant. However, it is apt to state that this change can go either way. This is because if the law            or principle underlying any reality or condition succeeds, change occurs. If however such law appears to have “failed” – though law is law because it is constant – a different change occurs; one to be explained by a higher law probably having prevailed, and not that the law failed. A simple example can be given using the state of water in its possible states of existence – solid, liquid and gas. When the conditions are right, water assumes the mentioned states. Natural law has it that at a temperature higher than 0o Centigrade ice begins to melt gradually, depending on the intensity of heat. As the heat increases, it is transformed into gas. This explains our statement above that law appears to have failed for a lay man when a different or higher or a more suitable one as triggered by other realities prevails over an existing one. Hence, when we have low temperature at a constant water remains in its state of solidity and vice versa.

Having said the above however, we come now to you. You are unique unlike any other being or reality. You are a greater force capable of changing the status quo – although to some extent as humankind has not developed fully his capacity to influence or control such forces as earthquakes for instance using mind power.[§] Because you are not like any other being you can change your current situation, surmount limitations as it were. This is why we say “Choice precedes Change.” You cannot move to another level if you do not take a decision to that effect. You cannot become a professional Accountant for example without education; nor can you do the job of an Aeronautical Engineer without the requisite knowledge and skill. Imagine a stark illiterate at the helm of affair in Microsoft for instance. Isn’t it suicidal for the organisation? Hence, to fare well as a CEO I must determine to acquire knowledge and develop my skill to perform my job in that capacity.

Again speaking of law Brian Tracy asserts that “The iron law of human destiny is the Law of Cause and Effect,”[**] a simple but yet powerful principle. It underscores the fact that for every effect there is a cause before it; for every action, there is a reaction – to see a smoke in the horizon afar off there must be a fire burning some where for example. Thus, success is never an accident when the iron law is taken into cognisance. According to this ( iron) law success is and always is the result of “…doing certain, specific things, over and over again, until you get the effect that you desire.”[††]

From the above it becomes clear to us that whenever we are faced with difficulty we are indeed doing something repeatedly, one that does not create adequate condition for change as it were. It’s a known fact that a problem requires a higher or superior idea to conquer or solve it. Likewise, to transcend a limit we need to approach the limitation  differently and maintain doing the new consistently. The last statement  also underscores the fact that for the desired effect we seek to materialize we ought to give no room to the mindset of failure – giving in to failure. At each instance of having crashed into the wall of limitation, don’t give up. Dust your butt or belly and give it a try again. Very few people can tell you they achieved a feat by just one try.

Because change begins with making a deliberate choice – for thinking beings like us -  whenever you are faced with “limits”, whenever you experience challenging realities determine to recreate your world by determining to do things different from the way you did them in the past. Never work with the “oh I was destined for this setback” attitude. Yes, we may find ourselves at different levels in life; but one thing is certain. Whenever you wakeup and you make that one choice to change the status quo, your situation will respond to your action. So states the iron law behind cause and effect; that same law that explains the process of action and reaction.  Hence, do you desire to further your education? Work towards it and your destiny helper will locate you. Do you need a spouse? Package yourself well, make your self that special person for a seeker and they will find you. Do you wallow in debt? Change the attitude of borrowing. Cultivate the habit of saving and living not above but within your means.

#2        Take the recreation of your life personally
Have you seen  a young eagle flying on the back of its mum because it want to fulfil its big dream of soaring over the mountains, or have you ever seen an adult still crawling because of the fear of falling? No is your loud answer right? So also it is with your life’s situations. Just like that young eagle determines to enjoy soaring as its kind by spreading those little wings and just like a toddler tries repeatedly to give a shot at walking, even though it suffers terrible falls at times, to play with other children, you have to see the recreation of your life a personal decision. No body, not even your parents or guardian would do that for you. This is not to say that you may never get some assistance at one time or the other though. We know many well to do families set up their children in life, but not everyone has that kind of opportunity.

You should never seat back expecting to live a “from hand to mouth” – as we say it my country – kind of life, always looking to be spoon fed. It will never happen. Do you have a problem of debt for instance? It cannot just go away with the wave of a hand nor overnight. To create a debt free life you must be instant to say NO! to the urge of borrowing. Has it ever occurred to you that a borrower is a servant to the lender? Live within your means.

#3        Invest in info sources
Education is known to be a continuous process. It’s a fact when one stops getting knowledge he or she starts dying. Put differently one who abstains from getting the much needed info in life becomes deformed over time as it were. What separates those we perceive as good from the rest is the information they possess from their quest to gain knowledge. Thus once gained they are positioned in such a way that they excel because the knowledge they possess causes them to do things differently.

To become a leader in what you do you ought to be a reader. This is because most of the insights you might ever need have been captured in books. The price of ignorance can never be compared to that invested in seeking knowledge. Many who perish today or who become stagnated are those who have neglected the importance of getting knowledge. In a dynamic world, you need constant update of what you know to forge ahead or to succeed.  The importance of having revolutionary information or knowledge can be seen even in such sphere as the business world. Many businesses die off because their owners fail to embrace changes with respect to a dynamic world. When you do not accept change, you are left behind in the business world. Because change is a constant factor in reality, you find that you need updated and not obsolete knowledge to be on top or to move to a new level. You mustn’t take lightly the need to be a devourer of information if you want to escape deformation. Reading not only gives you insight on how to overcome limitations, but also exercises your mind. When you read you not only discover solutions to your challenges or limitations; you also find motivation from the life’s stories of the authors, who themselves are now successful and famous in what they do.

Some of the things you can do to be abreast with current happenings and to get insights on how to improve every situation you are in is to read good books, attend seminars, webinars and workshops. Workshops et’ al exposes you to the teachings and experiences of professionals and experts who at one time or the other have been confronted with similar or other limitations that you might be facing. A good advice for those who might exclaim “I don’t know what book to read!” is this, find out those books read by intelligent, successful and respectable people in society, get and read them and see if you will not experience change making you hot for any situation or limitation.

#4        Focus on your dream
Dreams are pictures of your future before they ever come to be. And one of the greatest obstacles to any individual’s dream coming to reality is limitation and the worst you can do to yourself is to let it be that way. Adopt an aggressive stance towards limitation and challenge. A man with a dream must not lose focus nor give in to distraction or procrastination. Procrastination and giving room for undue distraction are good examples of things done in certain ways that do not guarantee your overcoming your limitation or challenge as it were. Take for instance, a young man who wants to sets up a laundry outfit. When ever the bills arrive, he puts off paying them off till a later date even when he has them; he plays hard, buys expensive wears and spoils friends with goodies; and he has no risk management experience because up until he set up the business he always put off taking a part time business management class. With time, he is confronted with accumulated utility bills, shortage of materials needed for the job and the likelihood of the business going under. Faced with this limitation the next thing he does is going about blaming his detractors and the devil.

From the above illustration, we identify certain things the young man does consistently that keeps him stagnated and limiting him from growing to play with the big boys in the industry – his dream. We identify a lack of focus, procrastination and a lack of self discipline. Because he is distracted by probably his new status of owning a business he begins running his business and living his life in a carefree manner – placing pleasure above work, living above his means, not being instant in decision making with regards to business management, procrastinating and blaming others rather than confronting the cause of his limitation as it were.

Successful people do things differently than he does. They take business seriously, settle debts promptly, live within their means, make good budget, give time to relaxation but not prioritise it above their dreams and take decisions in a timely fashion. Hence, until our young buddy does things different from the old way and in the way champions do theirs moving beyond his limitation or challenge will be illusive for him. the watch word in this life for every one thirsting for greatness and fulfilment should be this: not giving in to carousing as the kingdom populated by conquerors of limitation is not about meat and drink. Never let “life’s enjoyment” scuttle your dreams. Stay focused.

Limitations are sometimes magnified by many in our society. This can be attributed to their states of mind and thinking in certain ways, at best describable as thinking in a defeatist manner. Limitations can be overcome. Just as a more superior culture assimilates a weaker on in the event of a clash of culture, every limitation requires a more superior idea and a positive and dogged attitude to be overcome. Because to soar beyond limitations requires you making a choice – which might not be palatable – you must first accept you are faced with a challenge, but not stay there. Make a choice. Let that choice become the first cause, the prime mover that will trigger the very process of change in your state of perceived limitation.

Secondly having made a choice to not accept limitation and to conquer it, create the awareness in you that you are responsible for wherever you are per time and that the next level is yours to determine. Never go about in life believing that your life and happiness is determined by others. Hence, be unafraid to take steps and to fall as toddlers do. Failure only exists when you fall and stay where you fell. Take the recreation of your life very personal. This is not to downplay the truth of the existence of destiny helpers (the link or that one contact that can be of help to you in life) but an emphasis on the fact that you have a role to play.

Again, after making a choice to obtain your breakthrough in your life’s situation and taking the reins of your destiny in your hands, the next step you must take is to go for information. To do things differently from the ways that made no difference in your limited condition you must arm your self with the much needed information or knowledge required to create the right condition for your breakthrough – conquering your limitations. Hence read read read. Never overlook the importance of updating your knowledge base, broadening your mind. Read all you can but sift the good stuff. Attend events where you can be exposed to great people who can inspire you.

Further more to overcome limitations never lose focus of where you are going. Even when your dream appears to be becoming concrete, do not lose your guard. Create time for everything. Make procrastination an enemy. Put everything in their proper place. Maintain a clear view of where you are going and determine to keep it so. Whenever an idea appears not to work, apply new knowledge or strategy. Do not allow old unproductive ideas keep you stagnant. Apply all you have read here – and others you may come across some where some day – and your life will change for good. Good luck to you!

I believe this article must have motivated you in some way. If you have questions please do not hesitate to write me. Your comments are also welcome as I love to here from you. Also, do not forget to share this page with your friends too. Subscribe to our feeds or emails so you don’t miss other posts.

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[*] Merriam’s Webster’s Dictionary; included in Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Student and Home Edition.  Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 2010.

[†] Ibid

[‡] You may consider these works: Gilbert Ryle, Concept of Mind (1949 reprinted 1984), Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations, 3rd ed. (1958, reissued 1973), Jerome A. Shaffer, Philosophy of Mind (1968) and Antony Flew (ed.), Body, Mind, and Death (1964).

[§] In Africa, it is a tradition in some societies to seek the services of rain makers believed to possess metaphysical powers to either cause it to rain or cause rain to cease with regards to ceremonies of farming. However, this may be disputed when one thinks about drought in most parts of the continent as it were. Having said this, we are however not disputing the belief that it is possible or not as there abounds countless documented and undocumented feats accomplished using the power of the mind.

[**] 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires, by Brian Tracy presented Empower me online
