How to add Conversion Tracking Pixel to Blogger to track your Facebook advert performance

Hello! I was a bit sad that some readers of this blog encountered challenges with implementing the information contained in this post. Hence my adding some more clarification with images after reading through the comments. I hope this solves the problem encountered.

The importance of adverts cannot be overemphasised. Whether it is for business, entertainment or even for your website or blog you need to create awareness about what you do. That is where ads come into play. Irrespective of whether you are using Google Ad sense, Facebook, Linked in or Chitika etc ads for promoting what you do there is always a need to make analysis about effectiveness. This helps you make adjustments so as to better maximise your investment in such media.

How to track Ad performance on Facebook

I recently created adverts on Facebook to promote the products you see on this blog and Da HotGrid's page on Facebook as well. I must say that was my first hand experience of the power of advertisement. I noticed significant increase on page visits and an increase in page views and likes on Facebook.  In the process of using Facebook advert I got to know about Conversion Tracking Pixel.

Conversion: A conversion is an action that an individual take on a website. This can be checking out after product purchase, registering, adding an item to the shopping cart, or viewing a particular page. For adverts placed on Facebook to be tracked you need to add conversion tracking pixel to your page. The tracking pixel helps you (or a business) measure return on investment (ROI) as it reports on actions taken by audience viewing their Facebook adverts. Tracking conversions also helps businesses leverage optimized cost per impressions (oCPM) to show ads to people who are more likely to convert off Facebook.

How to create conversion pixels

To create a conversion tracking pixels:

1.     Go to your ads manager or go to Power Editor and click Conversion Tracking on the left side column
See conversion tracking on the right part of the page
2.     Click Create Conversion Pixel located in the top right corner of the page
The create button you can see coloured green
3.     Give your conversion pixel a name and select a category from the drop-down menu
4.     Click Create

A pop-up box will appear where you can click View Pixel Code. This is the code you will need to integrate into the web page where you want to track conversions.
What the generated code looks like
Once you have generated the code, create a document (word pad or note pad) and paste the code there. Save it just in case.

5.     Now go to blogger and sign in. Navigate to Template and click on "Edit HTML" as shown in the image below

Please you may download your blogs template HTML just in case something goes wrong.

6.     Look through the markup language for strings like the one below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html b:version='2' class='v2' expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' xmlns='' xmlns:b='' xmlns:data='' xmlns:expr=''>
    <meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.isMobile'>
      <meta content='width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0' name='viewport'/>
      <meta content='width=1100' name='viewport'/>
    <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
and look for where you have the last line "<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

Paste the code you copied from Facebook just below it and then save your template.

For those that encountered error messages, you can search google for its "code parsing tool, as noted by another readers comment in the comment section or follow closely as I walk you through using my own page setup with guiding images. The areas to note in the images will be highlighted "yellow". You can click on the images for a larger view. Ready? Okay.

1. Go to your blog dashboard in blogger, toggle the chevron and click on "SETTING"

    Click "SETTING"

2. On the next screen, click on "TEMPLATES" and look for your default blog template
Click on "TEMPLATE"

3. Once you find your template, click on "EDIT HTML". But before you make any change, download your template as backup should something get broken or simply copy the entire html code and save as text document so you can easily paste back as recovery if any thing goes wrong.

Click on "EDIT HTML"

4. Now pay attention to the image below. Look for the highlighted "yellow" string of code as I stated earlier in this page just where the red markers are. Note its on line 12. If your blog header has not been edited it should be on line 12 also. Paste the code you got from Facebook immediately underneath it. That is all. Save your template.
Paste codes tracking pixel script after highlighted code

Go back to Facebook and see if the conversion pixel is active. If all goes well you are good to go.

You can now keep an eye on performance of your adverts in your advert manager by viewing your reports. There you will see stats on unique clicks, impressions, likes, amount budgeted etc.

I hope this added clarification makes some sense?

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  1. Here you need

  2. Replies
    1. Soumi, Thanks for the comment. I like the fact that the information is useful

  3. I cannot do it... first it says " The reference to entity "ev" must end with the ';' delimiter." and when i do it another error: "The entity "ev" was referenced, but not declared." I'm so anyed by this

    1. @marta soares I got the same delimiter error. Hoping someone can follow up on this.

    2. Hello! if you have a screenshot, please send it in. Hit me up at

    3. Hello again. I do not know the platform you use. But do send me snapshot.

      Also If you're not on Blogger, you can fix the error by changing every & in the URL to the &

    4. I got the same error. Have you got the solution to fix it?

    5. I got same error too. It always says "The reference to entity "ev" must end with the ';' delimiter." and when i do it another error: "The entity "ev" was referenced, but not declared."

    6. Just copy the html code generated by facebook then google blogger html conversion.

      hope it helps!

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. You must change this code & by this code &
      see the example below


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. there was an says error parsing xml, line 18, column 56.The reference to entity "ev" must end with the ';'delimeter

    1. Just copy your html code generated by facebook then search in google blogger html conversion. After conversion, copy converted code to your blog.

      Hope it helps!

    2. Thank you, Tesston. I think it worked because I didn't get the error message again. BTW, I first googled "google blogger html conversion", better search, which is probably what you meant was to leave out "google". Thanks again!

  6. @all, this post has been updated with solution to the problem you encountered. Please pay close attention to the steps. I added images from this blog as well so you get added clarity on the guide I included earlier.

    Also, thank you Marta Soares for the mail and the code snapshot you sent. You placed the code on line 557. It should be immediately after line 12 as you will see in the image above. Read the updates to the blog.

    Thanks everyone.

  7. Thank you for this valuable information, I hope it is okay that I bookmarked your website for further references.

    time tracker

  8. Thanks for the manual.
    I only get this message from Blogger:

    Fehler beim Parsen der XML, Zeile 19, Spalte 55: The reference to entity "ev" must end with the ';' delimiter.

    Even though column 55 is empty.

    I don't even have an idea what the problem is. Do you habe an idea what the solution could be?

    Thanks a lot!


  9. You must change this code & by this code &
    see the example below


    1. I don't understand it. What's the difference between the "&"?

    2. I don't understand it. What's the difference between the "&"?

  10. Hi, thank you for this post - it was very helpful!!
    I get the message:
    Error parsing XML, line 18, column 56: The reference to entity "ev" must end with the ';' delimiter.
    I've tried your solution with parse but I still get this message and I can't see the pixel on my blog.
    Any help would be much appreciated - thank you...

  11. This post is insightful, it has helped me understand so many things. I just started my blog January and I have been on and off simply because I was discouraged by poor traffic. I feel much better, thanks a lot.

    website development in delhi

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Please write more on Facebook Tracking and Facebook pixel, I'll come back for more.
    facebook pixel app

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