Getting the best of your Acer Extensa 5635 series Laptop/Note Book

Getting the best of your Acer Extensa 5635 series
Laptop/Note Book

With the world fast becoming a jet age, if not yet, the need to be mobile has become of enormous importance. We have seen the introduction of products/gadgets which have been designed to make mobile communication and mobile office possible, some of which include the Black Berry phones, iPhones, iPads, notebooks, Palm Tops or PDA’s etc. That not withstanding, not everything pertaining to having access to your office is possible with mobile devices like the Black Berry. This is where laptops/notebooks come in handy.

Getting a good laptop is no easy stuff, it costs money. But there are products that are pocket friendly and up to the task in terms of performance. What prompted me to write this article was my visit to an online forum, after I bought my Acer Extensa 5635 series notebook last year October. A post I found related to the problem I had with the computer: Low Sound, not enjoying music when played because windows notification sounds exceeded music player sound even with adjustments made.

Actually Acer had in mind the capability of their product meeting the diverse need of clients when it comes to tolerable sound levels the can accept. On exploring my new lappy (or notebook/laptop), I discovered how to tweak the sound settings. I use Windows7 operating system.

How to increase the sound or balance sound levels of devices on your Acer Notebook

To increase the sound level of your Acer Extensa 5635 series if you use windows 7, and I believe this will work for other products running windows 7 OS, do the following;

  • On your Task Bar find and lick the speaker icon to pop up volume mixer. Proceed to click on the speaker symbol at the topmost part of the menu you see. It looks like the image below

And next, the Speaker property menu as shown below pops up when you click the speaker symbol

  • Click on the enhancement tab and you will see that the status is disabled. You can do so many other things but what we are preoccupied with is what I will be telling you now. Proceed to check any of the options as seen below (Bass Boost, Virtual Surround etc.)

  • Let us assume room correction is unchecked in the picture above, Check it and you will find that the status message now reads “Enable”.
  • Click on settings to run calibration which is meant to balance your room sound tolerance and the speaker balance of your Acer product or any other product running windows 7 OS. You will find the image displayed as it is below when you have clicked “settings”
  • Follow the steps windows will give you i.e. choosing microphone type (optional since laptops come with inbuilt mics).
  • At the end of calibration, make sure that the sound ratios of the speakers are not too different. This is acceptable, a range of 1:0 and 0.8.

That’s it. You can now enjoy improved volume for sound if you enjoy loud music. Enjoy your laptop.

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