Born to lead: Manifesting the Leader in you

Today we are looking at leadership; what it’s all about and why you must discover your innate abilities - to fulfill your role as a leader in your little corner. Please read carefully to adopt in the end some ideas, which I believe, will be of immense benefit to you in your social relations. This could this would have formed a part of any book, but I took out time to share it free as a motivator for those who are yet to understand what leadership is or entails or those who want more when it comes to leading. You can either read this or request for the pdf version for FREE, which you can keep to read later and share too, provided you do not sell it for money. Of course, you can buy me a drink if you wish ;-). For the pdf option, simply send a mail by simply by liking our facebook page and then sending us your request message.

Nature abounds with expressions that may be termed forms of leadership. In the world of brutes, citing a monkey troop for instance, we find alpha males[i] maintaining some form of social order, while the females take time out to pass on to their numerous youngsters techniques like grooming etc. here we can deduce leadership in the world of brutes as a position – though serving sometimes as a tool of intimidation, just as it is with man – and a form of influence.

The objective of this article is not to examine the concept of leadership from the vantage point of observing animals but as it is in human relations. It seeks to give the reader an understanding of who a leader is and what leadership is all about.

The words “Leader” and “Leadership” have been widely misunderstood or given wrong meanings in some quarters. Thus, society abounds with accounts of failures vis-à-vis the achievement of set goals in families, organisations and as touching nation-building and sustainable development etc. Professor Chinua Achebe in his book “The Trouble with Nigeria”[ii] identifies the problem with Nigeria as the dearth of leadership. With the attendant evidences in all facets of our environment, there arises a question of “if our leadership is faulty?” or “if there is a dearth of Leadership?” before going any further to challenge us to awake to our (or your) responsibility of filling the seemingly apparent leadership void in society, it is important for us to look at what leadership is; and who a leader is – because to understand a challenge is to have its solution in sight.

What leadership is all about

On going through, literature one finds array of definitions. However, this article goes with the definition of leadership as “positive influence in every sphere of human relations.”[iii] Hence, anyone who has discovered his innate abilities and leaves deposits – like the spirit of diligence, staying power etc – in another, in the process of exhibiting such innate ability, can be called a leader. Common sense explanation of the last point is that such an individual has successfully shown the other person how to do something the right way.

To be a leader is all about exercising some degree of influence on another individual or group. Many have been deceived today by the fallacy of “some are designed to lead, others are just designed to follow.” The live their lives therefore ruled over by inferiority complex. The good news – if you belong to such category – is that with a little push and self-understanding/discovery, you will prove the proponents of such view wrong.

Because man has the capacity to lead at such an early stage in life, it is imperative for leadership coaching to be embraced by parents at the early stages of their children’s development. The can be taught about how volunteering one’s help and expertise helps build character and a better-rounded person; to stir up their minds to think about their moral duty in society.

The best gift a parent can give to his children is a solid foundation – complete with clear direction and self discipline necessary for realising their dreams.[iv]
Children possess high receptive mind and are easily influenced just by observing the behaviour of their peers and adults – thus upturning the notion of leadership as title, position, tool for oppression and self aggrandizement. Some children have been known for finding solution to tricky challenges – like finding their way around some obstacle vis-à-vis their age – during play time ahead of their friends; and you see them encouraging others to follow suit. Thus, we see leadership as not calling the shots but helping others discover their strength and ability. Becky Brodin succinctly puts it this way: “to lead is not wielding authority, – it is empowering people” it is about replicating leaders after you!

Having journeyed this far in quest of an understanding of what leadership is and its significance – which is the creation of a society where positive influence and empowerment is the norm – it is hoped that in the end you are spurred up to dust yourself, having tripped over the erroneous notion of “all men are not born to lead”; and to determine to leave your footprint in the sands of time.

Unlocking the code

We now come to look at ways you can unlock the leader in you; and this part of our discussion will encompass Self-discovery and Attitude as key themes. Every leaders had or has a secret of success, some of which include (but is not limited to these): a reading culture, maximising strength, humility, drive for exceptionality, listening more and speaking less, setting standards, standing out from the crowd and letting their work and others speak for them of their success – and not them doing so. You will find that the aforementioned can be summed up as Character. Friends, you too can lead, no matter what you think as the odds if you apply same principles. Let’s proceed to examine them in detail.

Read, read and read

Books are undoubtedly resources never to be toyed with by anyone seeking to be ahead of his group in the hot race to succeed; for in them are contained different forms of knowledge one can ever imagine. The digital era, today, has indeed expanded the “info-bank” as we now have eBooks and E-libraries, audio books, blogs, social networking sites, name them; and all contain vast information on life’s issues. To be successful you must be exposed to garbage and useful information alike to be able to distinguish ends and to make amends where others have missed the mark.

According to W. Fusselman[v], a reader today becomes tomorrow’s leader. This is so because – supporting it with the words of another great thinker – a reader stands on the shoulders of great minds to see far ahead, beyond the now, when he reads their minds product as contained in books. Reading affords you the opportunity to rub minds with great men and to learn from their experiences as yours might not be the best teacher.

Leaders are always prepared to learn; and in the words of Rick Warren “the moment you stop learning, you stop leading” because all you possess as knowledge is but stale as it were. Hence, reading must become your hobby if you must escape mental deformity and if you want to become the leader, you are designed to be.

Discover your ability, Maximise your strength

Self discovery is the most important and wonderful thing that can/could ever happen to an individual. Knowing your abilities furnishes you with the right idea about the environment wherein you will function, excellently! This is also emphasised by Dr. Jack M. Wilson, President of the University of Massachusetts system, when he commented on Radley Watkins’ book “Animal Leadership: Leadership Lessons Learned from Wildlife for Leading Yourself”.[vi] He stated that Radley Watkins’ book “teaches that everyone’s personality can be compared to one of four great animals of power: the bear, wolf, eagle, and horse.

Once you know what sort of animal you are you will know what sort of habitat to put yourself in order to thrive.”[vii] A fish is naturally at home in water because of its ability to breathe and swim in it. Bring it out of water and it becomes helpless and struggles for survival as it lacks the ability to walk, fly or breathe air like land dwellers do on land. Similarly, you can succeed in what you do when you discover what your strengths and abilities are. You remain unquestionable as it were.

Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motors, captures the essence of ability in his assertion when he said that, asking “who might be the boss?” is like asking “who ought to be the tenor in a quartet.” Of course, the right candidate is whoever can sing tenor. Hence search out and work on those strengths of yours – it could be the ability to stimulate members of a team at the office to press on in challenging situations.

Talk less, Listen more

Although communication is vital in human interaction, one who aspires to lead must know when to speak and when to be silent, listening out for new ideas. Of course, when you listen more you are teaching others by example – leading by example, pointing out an important aspect of human communication in relationships. Success comes from carrying people along. This is achieved when you when you are receptive to their opinions, suggestions and contributions. A good leader always seeks out new ideas which makes him more current on issues as it were, because no one is a personification of knowledge in its entirety.

The fact that failure always sets in when we refuse to open up to new knowledge is not a new one. In fact George Crane highlights this fact when he stated this, that “congealed thinking is the forerunner of failure… make sure that you are receptive to new ideas.” Hence, to gain more from peers and to gain their respect – this applies to work place environment and other settings – you ought to demonstrate that they are important by giving them the opportunity to make contributions as it gives them a sense of belonging.

The incidence of supposed leaders shoving those around them aside and imposing personal ideas on them is the reason many failures are recorded in organisations for instance. In sum, speaking less and listening more is wisdom for every aspiring leader and any leader hoping to succeed as one. In addition, you know that you have succeeded, when the compliment you get from people who work or associate with you is “thanks for giving me opportunity to contribute.” This is because they felt a sense of belonging.

Admit and correct mistakes

The point to be seen here is the importance of courage. Courage to admit wrong or mistake is one virtue lacking in society, not because people can’t be courageous, but simply because it simply does not appeal to them – because of pride. Pride, it is said “… goes before [every terrible] fall.” It is therefore imperative to cultivate the habit of admitting error.

Though to admit mistakes is important, of more importance is the ability and willingness to learn from such mistakes and to correct them. Quoting John Maxwell, to buttress this truth, he states that, “a man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them and strong enough to correct them.” that is what makes a great man, a leader.

Create your path, be a standard

Many people have the tendency to intimidate others. While it is good to have role models, it shouldn’t be the basis for wanting to be exactly like them vis-à-vis achievement etc. having a role model is having one you admire and one you can learn from – one who impresses your mind with positive values that helps you succeed, not in the same way or in the same  business. Always aim at creating a unique path, be unique yourself. Others shouldn’t be your future but a point of reference to beat. Rephrasing the words of Stephen Jobs[viii], “become a yardstick of quality” in what you do, and not becoming someone else's replica.

Be immune to the “Mob Effect”

You might have been discouraged by what people might or may not have said. It’s okay to feel sad, but that should not make you think that you are “a nobody.” Many a times individuals find themselves dancing to the tune of others – the crowd – and in the end fail to impress the same crowd or achieving anything. That is what is called the mob effect in this work.

A man who wants to go far in life must cultivate the habit of sometimes shutting his ears to the shouts of the crowd. Maxwell captures it again this way, “a man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back to the crowd.” If you have seen a choir or orchestra conductor in action, you will notice that focus is the most important if he wants success in the end of the performance. He doesn’t stop at intervals to look at the faces in the audience, of whether they are smiling, frowning or if at worse, if they have left the theatre. He is not consumed by applause; he aims for heights alone as it were. Thus, determine to stand out from the crowd always, like the eagle amongst birds.

Leaders are like eagles; and according to H. Ross Perot “eagles don’t flock – you have to find them one at a time.” This is true because you never find eagles congregated at a spot, like other birds, nor do you find them dictating for one another in what formation to fly as is observably with egrets and pigeons. They fly high individually. Stand out, not giving in to dictation. Chart your course, make a mark positively.

Let your work and others speak for you

Finally, a good leader does not go about town blowing his own trumpet. Since leadership is all about making impact and leaving lasting impression, the objects of such impact automatically become testimonies. We find in society people going about spreading sermons on their achievement when there exists nothing to show for such claimed achievement.

Success is all about your output, so also is the act of exhibiting leadership. Henry ford puts it this way “that you cannot build a reputation on what you are going to do.” Thus, reputations are the consequences of our output or influence as it were. When you give a helping hand in your little corner, for instance, it invariably creates not only an impact, but your story is told repeatedly somewhere else. Thus, your reputation grows, with no need for you to blow your trumpet.

Last words

We have set out to understand what leadership is and who can be called a leader, and we stated that leadership is not about titles or positions; but about influence. We tried not to examine leadership from the perspective of some having been designed to rule – or being anointed specially – because that is a factor that may explains why things have gone wrong in society today, and why many still reinforce the notion of a few messiahs in existence.

Nevertheless, this work concluded by stating that on the contrary everyone leads (influences) others in one way or the other and at different times and situations. The argument here is aimed at re-educating and motivating us to build character, for in the words of Booker T. Washington “Character is power.” For T. Richard Chase, demonstrating competency, genuine concern for others and admirable character attracts followers – the consequence of good leadership.

On building character we outlined some points, though not exhaustive as it is beyond the scope of this work, we believe that when internalised will set one on course the road to becoming a success, a leader. We said that you must be a reader to be a leader wherever you find yourself; you must be a listener and open to change or new ideas and suggestions; and that you must be humble enough to admit, learn from and correct mistakes. We also emphasized on the need for you to create your unique path by striving to excel in what you do and letting your reputation do the talking for you.

I believe that when you apply the points outlined and discussed above you will be on your way to success as an influence, a leader. The world wants you to manifest your leadership, to take your pride of place in the affairs of humankind as that good boss, administrator, parent, teacher, a motivator etc; to put an end to the current states-of-affairs like: do-or-die politicking, embezzlement of public funds, dysfunctional homes, ballooning population of ill mannered individuals etc. yes you can! Just dare to be different by building your character because “all glory comes from daring to begin.”[ix]

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[i] Males that occupy the apex in the social hierarchy
[ii] See the book “The Trouble with Nigeria” by Chinua Achebe, Fourth Dimension Publishing Co., 2000.
[iii] The authors own definition
[iv] (referred from Google Search)
[v] Cited in “The Power of Leadership” by John Maxwell
[vi]Visit if you want to buy the book or to know more about the author
[vii] ibid
[viii] The founder of the innovative Apple
[ix] Quote by Eugene F. Ware
